BPEA union members from Karimnagar DVN, P3 and P4 members, met with SPOs Sri Shivaji garu at O/o SPO's Karimnagar and submitted the Ad hoc Committe list and officially launched the BPEA Calendar 2025.
BPEA union members from Karimnagar DVN, P3 and P4 members, met with SPOs Sri Shivaji garu at O/o SPO's Karimnagar and submitted the Ad hoc Committe list and officially launched the BPEA Calendar 2025.
à°ˆ à°°ోà°œు 7.1.2025 ఉదయం మన à°ª్à°°ియతమ à°¨ిà°œాà°®ాà°¬ాà°¦్ à°…à°°్బన్ à°Žà°®్à°®ెà°²్à°¯ే à°¶్à°°ీ ధన్ à°ªాà°²్ à°¸ూà°°్à°¯ à°¨ాà°°ాయణ à°—ుà°ª్à°¤ à°—ాà°°ి à°šేà°¤ుà°² à°®ీà°¦ుà°—ా మన Union Calendar release à°šేయడం జరిà°—ింà°¦ి...
On 8.1.2025 Sri Shivaji SPO's I/c SSP Nizamabad Division released our calendar at o/o SSPO's Nizamabad Division.
BPEA Hanamkonda Division met Sri Hanmanthu SPO's Hanamkonda Division on 06.01.2025 and submitted the List of office bearers elected on 05.01.2025
Met with Sri Bhumanna SPO's Wanaparthy Division on 07.01.2025 along with Sri SK Lalmiya, CS, PM&MTS, Sri V Ravikumar, DS, Gr C, and Sri Narasimha IP BPIASA at SPO's chamber and discussed various issued faced by BPEA members and resolved the problems.
P.Laxminarayana Circle Secretary BPEA Gr C